Featured Artist Promotion

How to promote your art online
Make sure to read our article with great tips on How to Promote your Art Online.

As an artist you want to be seen. You want to be seen by potential clients, art galleries, other artists, publishers and so on. The more visibility and traceable resources there are of an artist, the more validation you get as an artist. But, as you know, it’s not easy to achieve!

With our Featured Artist Promotion and the Meet the Artist sections, we offer a stage where you can reach a wider audience. People will find you easier if they search for your name on Google for example. You can use the pages to refer to on social media or your website to add authenticity.

Featured Artist Promotion

A featured post is a professional page on Xquissive, created by us, that is about you and your art. It contains a story about you, the artist and your art. It contains pictured of the artworks that you are most proud of and that you want to world to see. It also contains a backlink to your website and links to your social media channels.

  • Increases Your Visibility And Online Presence
  • Reach potential clients or buyers
  • Great First Impression For Employers, Clients, Galleries
  • Meet new creatives
  • Get more followers on your social channels
  • SEO advantages (backlinks, ranking)
  • Lifetime Deal

Meet the Artist Promotion

A Meet the Artist interview is the perfect tool if you want to tell your story and create brand authority online and as in person.

If you’d like to know more, make sure to visit our service on Fiverr:
